SC/ ST Cell


Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) Cell


The Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) Reservation Cell have been established in the college to safeguard the interests of students belonging to reserved categories. It provides necessary support in areas where they may face challenges. The committee is responsible for addressing grievances and resolving any issues related to the rights and welfare of SC/ST students, faculty, and staff within the institution.

SC/ST Cells play a crucial role in ensuring the welfare and empowerment of individuals from these communities. Through structured support mechanisms, awareness initiatives, and policy enforcement, these cells contribute to fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment. Strengthening these efforts and addressing challenges can significantly enhance their effectiveness, leading to the overall growth and development of SC/ST communities.

Aim and Objectives

  1. To serve as a dedicated platform for addressing grievances and issues related to discrimination or difficulties faced by SC/ST individuals.
  2. To provide various forms of assistance, including guidance for caste certificate applications, educational support, scholarships, career counseling, and skill development programs.
  3. To initiate and promote opportunities that empower SC/ST individuals to reach their full potential.
  4. To conduct awareness programs and campaigns to educate both SC/ST students and the broader community about their rights and the challenges they face.
  5. To ensure the proper implementation of government policies and schemes aimed at the welfare of SC/ST communities.
  6. To consistently monitor and assess the impact of various initiatives, collect relevant data, evaluate programs, and report findings to higher authorities for further improvements.


The SC/ST Cell is constituted with the Principal as Nodal officer and two teaching faculty as Coordinator and Joint coordinator and a minimum of two student representatives (from UG and PG program each) as members to review the implementation of various schemes and programs for the welfare of the individuals from SC/ST category of the society and other related activities undertaken by the college as well as the implementation of reservation policy in admission and recruitment for SC, ST, PH, OBC (non-creamy layer) and others, if any. The Committee should meet at least once in four months and actions taken on decisions are to be reviewed in the subsequent meetings.

 Nodal Officer



MOSCCON/PO/02/2025                                                                                                                               11.02.25





Sub: Constituted regarding- SC/ST Cell in the College

Ref: University Grants Commission -MoE Final Reminder regarding establishing Equal Opportunity Centres and SC/ST Cells and Submission of Data Dated Mon, Feb 10, 2025.

The Advisory Committee for SC/ST Cell in the College is constituted at M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery on 11.02.25 as per the reference cited.


The following members constitute SC/ST Cells in MOSC College of Nursing, Kolenchery w.e.f 11/02/2025


SI. No


Name of the member



Nodal Officer

Dr. Namitha Subrahamanyam

Vice Principal

M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery



Ms. Anu Jacob Kachappillil

Associate Professor

Dept. of Medical-Surgical Nursing

M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery


Joint Coordinator

Mrs. Jiji KS

Senior Lecturer

Dept. of Mental Health Nursing

M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery



Ms. Agnus Binu

Student Representative (UG)

2021 Batch BSc Nursing student



Ms.Ahana MC

Student Representative (UG)

2021 Batch BSc Nursing student

M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery



Ms.Hanna Baby

Student Representative (PG)

2024 Batch MSc Nursing student

M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery


Nodal Officer


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