R&D Cell


M.O.S.C. College of Nursing has been promoting research activities since its inception. With upgradation of college with various educational programmes and consequent increase in faculty members and postgraduate students there has been a significant and continuing increase in research activity at all levels. The Research and Development Cell is constituted with a purpose to increase the quality of nursing research, which is undertaken in College of Nursing and make it worth publication in indexed journals so the people with the same taste can come together for a better forward move.

The R and D Cell is administrated at two levels-  Institutional Scientific Research Committee and Research Advisory Committee (RAC).The Scientific Research Committee aims to oversee the research and development strategy, evaluate and challenge the effectiveness of the research, review and discuss emerging scientific trends and activities critical to the development of research.

The Research Advisory Committee (RAC)is created by and responsible to the Faculty of Academic Council. The Chair and members of the Committee will work proactively together to generate and respond to research related activities at institutional and collaborative level with other institutions/organizations.


  • Research capacity building programmes for health care professionals
  • Allocation of research funds
  • Promotion of research publications/presentations, attendance to scientific conference by students and faculty inside and out of the institution.
  • Promotion of research activities
  • Screening and approval of research proposals

Central facility

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